Saturday, March 5, 2011

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class struggle and geopolitics

we like white flies who match the idea of \u200b\u200bclass struggle to geopolitics. The left has invented bertinottiana that geopolitics and the class struggle does not go together. Well in fact I must be with the Americans and Europeans who want to rob the people of Libya, Iran and Venezuela because of their property would be a priority on their opinion on what schemes of imperialism. Denied short of the international nature of the class struggle. Also not taken into account that while aspects can not be shared with Libya has given a standard of living and social security to its citizens is among the highest in the world, such as the level of the Iraqis at the time of Saddam will be no more. The Empire brings them back to the age stone because it does not allow the prosperity of civilizations different from his .... Peter Ancona

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letter to Hello Beautiful has censored my writings

Saturday, March 5, 2011 (
legitimacy of my views
Dear Collective,
thought that there was in you a return to reason and instead insist on clear notice that my writings. Convinced that things I write on Libya are true and fair even if they are the result of subliminal indoctrination of TV and the press who wants to believe exist in Libya, a popular revolt inspired by reasons of freedom and justice against Gaddafi. If it were so insurgents would not have seized the arms of oil wells and degli aeroporti dai quali ricevono incessanti aiuti dagli USA in armi e contractors addestrati al sabotaggio ed alla guerriglia. Ho spiegato che il problema oggi è difendere l’indipendenza della Libia che si identifica, piaccia o non piaccia, con la sopravvivenza di Gheddafi. Che è stato condannato a morte dal Capo Mafia dell’Occidente Obama che ha già dato ordine di spogliare la Libia di tutti i suoi beni. Cento miliardi di dollari in fondi sovrani presenti in Europa sono già stati rapinati, tre milioni di lavoratori africani ridotti in profughi in fuga, migliaia di aziende e lavoratori e tecnici italiani costretti a lasciare tutto e rientrare. La conquista della Libia, spacciata per missione umanitaria, non è diversa dalle imprese colonialiste di Mussolini e del Generale Graziani, e l’uso di proiettili all’uranio ne avvelenerà le generazioni future facendone mostri,. La repressione che fate di questo punto di vista, estremamente minoritario in Occidente, fa pensare con tristezza a quanta confusione ci sia in ciò che una volta era la sinistra ed il socialismo. Dovevate andate orgogliosi di quella che definite la mia "merda". La mia merda è fertilizzante di idee rigogliose e forti di una sinistra antiimperialista consapevole che non esiste lotta di classe che non abbia anche un respiro geopolitico. Non era il caso di respingerla con la bava alla bocca. Vi auguro ogni bene nel triste mondo della nuova dittatura fascista degli USA che purtroppo non hanno la saggezza dell’Impero Romano incorporated but not undressed people and respected them as a Christian these fanatics and crazy warmonger and an ideology that does not allow different cultures hold the world in suffering and pain. Yesterday and today Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia ..... Today, Libya, Venezuela and Iran and maybe tomorrow you will say that it is the liquidation of the totalitarian regimes and dictators unworthy to live. Peter Ancona

By: Peter
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Friday, February 25, 2011

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remember Luigi Granata

Luigi Granata

and 'non-affection of family, friends and socialists in Sicily Luigi Granata.
E 'was for years a prominent advocate of the PSI, deputy Ars, regional secretary of the Party and the industry commissioner del governo siciliano. Fu sempre dalla parte dei lavoratori e della Sicilia. Nel governo siciliano si distinse per l'attenzione ai problemi della industrializzazione e fu legato alle lotte dei minatori e dei contadini.
Attento alla memoria del movimento operaio dell'Isola organizzò ad Agrigento, nel 1975, un convegno di studi storici e politici sui Fasci Siciliani
con la collaborazione del professore Giuseppe Giarrizzo ed altri eminenti storici. Il recupero della esperienza dei Fasci, fino ad allora ignorato dalla storiografia come tante cose che riguardano il Mezzogiorno degli anni successivi il Risorgimento, contribuì alla delineazione della identità socialista radicandone il pensiero nella memoria
di una assai intensa stagione di ideological struggle and development that brought the Sicilian Socialist leadership at the level of European social democracy and trade unions in France.
was attentive to the history of socialism Agrigento. He is particularly memory of Joshua Fiorentino, a prominent socialist of Palma de Lichtenberg, a landmark of poor laborers in his country that the PSI administered for many years by electing a Mayor Dominic Aquilino, a schoolteacher and upright man.
I was with him and Fausto D'Alessandro municipal council of Agrigento. We were elected by defeating all three of the old guard represented by Professor Anthony Bosco, who was Deputy Mayor of the city and that it should be remembered as a person great socialist humanism. Despite
invited by Vince Foti, mayor of the town to do a remake of the center-left has always refused and we were the opposition. We thought that having the DC
more than 21 Councillors on 40 power our air conditioning would have been zero. Actual reasoning and not true since the DC was split into two groups and between bonfigliani laloggiani. But we were "troubled" by an incurable idealism and today we would be branded as fundamentalists. The
I was at secondary school friend. Course was the best of the class.
I hope one day to revive the great socialist party steeped in culture, idealism, fervor that we have seen in years of our youth. Peter Ancona